Bronisław Piłsudski’s Duel with Fate
Jerzy Chociłowski’s book Bronisław Piłsudski’s Duel with Fate is an excellent account of the life of Józef Piłsudski’s second brother, which presents in detail the figure of the protagonist. The two brothers were different in every way, including the happiness in their lives, which Bronisław experienced a little less of. The author shows Bronisław Piłsudski as a man who was not free from doubts and dilemmas, a dreamer and spiritual castaway, an unlucky and lonely man who experienced little luck in life.The book also presents Bronisław as an outstanding ethnographer who preserved many extremely valuable sources of knowledge. He was particularly interested in the culture of the Ainu people which he studied on Sakhalin and later on the Japanese island of Hokkaido.