Beauty of Life
I Would Like to Do Something Good for Someone
Beauty of Life
From a letter to his sister Zuleczka, 17 September 1885:
“The children have already stopped chatting and are falling asleep, but I still want to sit and write, write endlessly. I would like to do something good for someone, to please a person. However, it is too bad that in pursuit of this desire I do things that I do not like myself, and I feel that along with pleasure I also bring kind of a harm to others. I want to grip myself with my hands, follow myself, and severely look in order to do what I think I need to do. So far, I’m feeling that if what I’ve done something wrong, it’s rather due to my inaction than to other advantages. Work, work, and be idle as little as possible – this will be my motto from now on. (…) Enough of the sluggishness, complaining, laziness, selfishness, wasting of precious time that passes and never returns!”